Hi from Elica!
How are you doing in this world filled with so many problems?
First, take a soothing breath in by enjoying my little rose garden.

Now I have a question for you.
What is acting?
Many times I noticed that good directors tend to say “Stop acting!” or “Don’t act!”
What does this mean?
In Japanese language, “acting” has the same interpretation of faking things, faking their behaviour, or faking the feeling.
Isn’t it interesting?
Both in English and in Japanese, “acting” has the meaning of faking attitude.
But we actors, directors, and the theatrists hate to fake!
It’s OK to use the word “acting”, but sometimes we feel the need to add an explanation that it doesn’t mean faking.
I would say that we are character players, in plays, musicals, dance performances, ballet, opera, and movies: anything where there is a story and characters.
[Today’s ZEN for performing artists]
Acting is not faking.
Acting is living the character.