Here Can I Sit Alone, Unseen Of Any [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 Here can I sit alone, unseen of any,And to the nightingale’s complaining notesTune my distresses and record my woes. — Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Valentine is not just talking about a nightingale. He really misses Silvia, his Love. (Valentine has been banished from Milan by Silvia’s father the Duke of Milan,…
How Use Doth Breed A Habit In Man [Shakespeare For You
🎭 How use doth breed a habit in a man! — Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Valentine, the true Love of Silvia, who has been bannished from Milan by Silvia’s father the Duke of Milan, is now the big boss of vagabonds in the woods. We have the same kind of proverb in…
A Thousand More Mischances Than This One [Shakespeare For You]
In trouble, be strong, be patient. Listen to a character in Shakespeare.
And I Will Follow [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 Turio: I’ll after, more to be revenged on EglamourThan for the love of reckless Silvia. Proteus: And I will follow, more for Silvia’s loveThan hate of Eglamour that goes with her. Julia: And I will follow, more to cross that loveThan hate for Silvia that is gone for love. — Turio, Proteus, Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-2…
Alas, How Love Can Trifle With Itself! [Shakespeare For You]
Frustration to admit your rival is a good person.
Dost Thou Know Her? [Shakespeare For You]
Silvia asks if this boy knows of Proteus’ former girlfriend. The boy is she in disguise. Typical Shakespearean plot!!
If You Be She, … hear me speak the message [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 If you be she, I do entreat your patience to hear me speak the message I am sent on. — Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 4-4 [ACTING TIPS] Julia, disguised as a boy Sebastian, is talking to Silvia. This is the first time to meet her. Very similar to Viola’s first meeting Olivia.…
A Fox To Be The Shepherd [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 Alas, poor Proteus, you have entertain’d A fox to be the shepherd of thy lambs. — Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 4-4 [ACTING TIPS] This is a soliloquiy moment of Julia, disguised as a boy Sebastian. She is asked to be the cupid for Proteus and bring his message of love to Silvia. Julia does not…
‘Tis Pity Love Should Be So Contrary [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 She dreams of him that has forgot her love; You dote on her that cares not for your love. ’Tis pity love should be so contrary; And thinking of it makes me cry ‘Alas.’ — Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 4-4 [ACTING TIPS] Julia, disguised as a boy Sebastian, is talking to Proteus (her boyfriend while in…
Take The Ring With Thee [Shakespeare For You]
Giving the ring you were given by your love, to the new love. Shakespeare loves the trickiest thing.