Tag: italian greyhound
Too Fair, Too True, Too Holy [Shakespeare For You]
When you know you are doing wrong. Are you really bad? or are you feeling being driven?
I See A Passenger [Shakespeare For You]
Shakespeare leads you to original meaning of words. Such as a “passenger”.
A Little Time Will Kill The Grief [Shakespeare For You]
Another great phrase to save you from the grief, by Shakespeare.
A little time will melt her frozen thoughts [Shakespeare For You]
Very encouraging words from Shakespeare when you are in trouble. But is it true?
Love Is As A Fugure Trenched In Ice [Shakespeare For You]
Today’s Shakespeare phrase for your is really very Shakespearean. Love, Ice, and Heat.
Time Is The Nurse [Shakespeare For You]
Nice phrase on Time. But the character who says this is a villain.
Man That Hath A Tongue [Shakespeare For You]
Do you have a tongue? Of course you do. I mean, do you have a eloquent tongue? Then what?
Give Us Leave [Shakespeare For You]
This is one of the saddest beginning of a scene for a character.