I have four news today for you.
1. 7th Februrary was Elica’s birthday!
Thank you all for the lovely birthday messages for me through SNS. I love you all and you are my treasure!
These days I ponder the reason why I live as I am.
What can I do as a theatre director-actor?
Why the God(s) gave me this occupation to achieve what?
I always think about those questions.
2. Online Workshop for international Japanese actors.
I am going to hold onilne workshop for Japanese actors who wish to work with English language. If you are interested in learning Japanese, maybe it is a nice workshop to join. I will use The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. Anyone interested, contact me.
3. I Left No Ring With Her.
Viola’s Ring Speech, Twelfth Night, Shakespeare.
“I left no ring with her, what means this lady?” in English!
4. How to Act
Enjoy, if you understand Japanese language, me talking how I read and directed the soliloquy of Viola.
5. Arkadina, The Seagull
I also started working on a project The Seagull by Anton Chekhov, with a Russian director. On 5th February, he held an open rehearsal of a scene. It is my honour to be casted as Arkadina!! So exciting!

This open rehearsal will be broadcasted later. I will let you know.
Hope you enjoy them!