Tag: shakespeare
I Hold Him But A Fool [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 I hold him but a fool that will endanger His body for a girl that loves him not. — Turio, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Turio was just told from Valentine that if he were to claim Silvia, he would be seen as an enemy of Verona. Thus he immediately changed his mind and…
That One Error Fills Him With Faults [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 That one error Fills him with faults; makes him run through all the sins.— Proteus, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] There is a Japanese proverb; Ichi-ji ga Ban-ji, meaning: one thing leads to all.Proteus realizes the same. To play the words, I would say Proteus must be filled with remorse. I am not…
Women To Change Their Shapes [Shakespeare For You]
🎭. It is the lesser blot, modesty finds,Women to change their shapes than men their minds. — Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Finally Proteus has found out this young boy named Sebastian is Julia in disguise. Julia strongly blames how cruel Proteus has been, and says this.q Remember, Julia has been acted as…
O Me Unhappy! [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 O me unhappy! — Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] This Act 5, Scene 4 is really not understandable for reasonable people. Listening to Valentine, Proteus apologized. And what happens?Valentine gives Silvia for thanks to his apology. Whaaaaaat???!!! And Julia says this.And she swoons. Swoon means one faints out of extreme emotion.That’s what…
The Private Wound Is Deepest [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 The private wound is deepest: O time most accurst, ‘Mongst all foes that a friend should be the worst! — Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Valentine, hiding in the woods to see Silvia is about to be raped by his best-friend Proteus, jumped out to stop him. He means that this is the…
Here Can I Sit Alone, Unseen Of Any [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 Here can I sit alone, unseen of any,And to the nightingale’s complaining notesTune my distresses and record my woes. — Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Valentine is not just talking about a nightingale. He really misses Silvia, his Love. (Valentine has been banished from Milan by Silvia’s father the Duke of Milan,…
How Use Doth Breed A Habit In Man [Shakespeare For You
🎭 How use doth breed a habit in a man! — Valentine, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-4 [ACTING TIPS] Valentine, the true Love of Silvia, who has been bannished from Milan by Silvia’s father the Duke of Milan, is now the big boss of vagabonds in the woods. We have the same kind of proverb in…
And I Will Follow [Shakespeare For You]
🎭 Turio: I’ll after, more to be revenged on EglamourThan for the love of reckless Silvia. Proteus: And I will follow, more for Silvia’s loveThan hate of Eglamour that goes with her. Julia: And I will follow, more to cross that loveThan hate for Silvia that is gone for love. — Turio, Proteus, Julia, Two Gentlemen of Verona 5-2…
Alas, How Love Can Trifle With Itself! [Shakespeare For You]
Frustration to admit your rival is a good person.
Dost Thou Know Her? [Shakespeare For You]
Silvia asks if this boy knows of Proteus’ former girlfriend. The boy is she in disguise. Typical Shakespearean plot!!