gallantry whiskey bottle beside glass

Shakespeare Insults: The Taming Of The Shrew

The Taming Of The Shrew is full of extraordinary insults.  They are really funny and so good.  Let’s hear it.

🎭 A pair of stocks, you rogue!

A stock is a kind of ankle cuff of the time, a wooden bar with a hole and you put the criminal’s ankle in it to hold him.  It must have been used as a pair, so that both ankles were kept locked.  

The hostess of the inn says, literally like “I’ll lock you at the gate, ankle cuffed, to humiliate in front of everybody, you rogue!

The second one is:

🎭 Y’ are a baggage.

Sly the drunken man answers the Hostess.  A baggage meant a woman who takes in anything, which means a whore.  Hilarious

The third one is:

🎭 Let the world slide.

Sly says “I don’t care”.  If the world slides, let it.  Hmm, some people may think like that to see our world of politics and wars.

The last one for today is:

🎭 Go to thy cold bed and warm thee.

Well, I am not allowed to say or write in this public space.  Your bed is cold.  That means you don’t have a company to sleep with.  Thee means you, which means you must warm yourself.  Yes, this literally means “Go Four-Letter-Word yourself”.

Would you like to use some of them in quarrel?

Thank you for warching, from ELICA MIWA.