Te-re-Ka-ku-shi; Uneasy Smile

As I said before, Japanese are very shy and not good at expressing their feelings on their faces.

What’s more confusing is that they smile.

The Japanese smile when they are shy.
The Japanese smile when they are angry.
The Japanese smile when they are sorry.
The Japanese smile when they are interviewed by a TV reporter about very very tragical news.

Well, not always, of course.

But most of the time, for sure.

But please don’t think the Japanese are stupid or heartless.

We the Japanese simply don’t know how to deal with big feelings.

It is an uneasy smile.
Te-re-Ka-ku-shi, is the Japanese word.

Te-re means shyness and/or nervousness.
Ka-ku-shi means hiding.

Uneasy Smile.
Hiding nervousness.
By showing no harm.Beautiful.



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