Men that Hazard All…

Bad actors only pronounce the sound of the words.
Good actors offer the meaning of the words.

Prince of Morocco, of The Merchant of Venice, says in choosing the casket;

“Men that hazard all
Do it in hope of fair advantages.”

Too many fake actors read out loud, or just pronounce the words, without further images.

If you think to put all you have in risk, when you say “all”, what would you imagine?
…your parents, your kids, your money, your house, your spouse, your car, your hobby, your trust, your friends…

What is “all” to you?

When you speak the lines from plays or from manuscript for a speech, the very very personal connections to each words are necessary to be imagined in your mind.

++ Live Interaction of the Day ++

Speak the line above, imagining your personal connections.

What is “all” to you?
What is “hazard” for you?
What is “fair advantages” for you?



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