Shakespeare Loves a Fool

If you are in Tokyo area, As You Like It is on at the Setagaya Public Theatre.
“All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players.”
The phrase is sung at the opening, by an opera singer-Shakespeare actor called Luther Hiroshi Ichimura.
The play is full of fools.
And Shakespeare loves them.
It is a fun show.
If you want to see it, Setagaya  is sold out, but Saitama Art Theatre opening next week, you still have a chance.
Email me.
Now, regarding a fool, Prince of Aragon comes to woo Portia.
What does he say seeing the gold casket?
“That many may be meant
By the fool multitude”
Well done, Arragon, you know better than Morocco.
++ Live Interaction of the Day ++
List up some fools in you.



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